Music Fundamentals

Music Fundamentals


Music has existed for many many years, before music theory did. Music is a collection of sounds in different tones and beats. When you hear music, you will hear a rhythm different types of sounds in different frequencies. You can make music with anything that has sound, and not necessarily a music instrument.

There are literary more than 1,500 musical instruments in existence. We can not mention every single musical instruments but we can name a few different one in its own category. Below is a list of examples for different categories.

StringsGuitars, Violins, Harps, Bass Guitars, etc.
KeyboardPiano, Organ, Acordion, Harpsicords, etc
WoodwindFlutes, Clarinets, Saxophones, bagpipes, etc
BrassTrombones, Trumpets, Tubas, ect
PercussionDrums, Cajon, Cymbals, Maracas, etc

What Is Music Theory

It is the system used worldwide, to communicate how sounds and beats create music. In other words, musicians can use this system for other to be able to interpreted in the same way or a different way. Traditional music theory, is the way most countries are able to share their musical ideas. Over the years, new ways have been evolving to make it easier to represent music structure of a song or composition.

We will explore the traditional way of representing music, but we will not go into details. However, we will recommend ways to learn traditional music theory in details, if that is what you would like to learn. Here, will will explore a simpler way of representing music by explain more simple ways to understand it. For this, we will begin by explaining music scales, chords and rhythm.

Music Scales

Music scales is like the ABC of music. Traditionally, notes are named as Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti). Here in America, we use the first seven letters of the alphabet. Notes are represented as C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C. Now, you must be asking why do we start with C and not A. This is because when it was decided to to use A, B, C, D, E, F, G to represent a minor scale (which we will explain later). As a result, C ended up being used as the first letter of a major scale. Once we explain major and minor scales, it will make sense. Therefore, we will begin learning major and minor scales before we go on on explaining other types of scales. Below is a representation of the C major scale:

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