About SMT

About SMT

We would like to provide a place to learn basic music theory for free. We think music should be enjoyed by anyone who wants to enjoy it. We sincerely hope to provide it, in the most simple form, for everyone to be able to understand it. Music is very easy to understand, when one understands the basic elements of its theory. However, for very complicated music, theory also becomes very complicated.

One of the major challenges most people have a hard time learning is, how music is created when it comes to harmony, rhythms, and the ability to play the instrument. Some instruments can be very challenging, and others very simple to play. We intend to provide the basics, of how most musical instruments are played, using basic music theory.

This site does not intend to provide college level music theory. Instead, a way to understand it in more simple ways. We hope that you keep returning to this site, to learn and enjoy your most favorite musical instrument.

We also welcome content that we can add to our webpage, if you would like to share your knowledge with others. If you think you know an easier way to learn music, please go to our Contact Us page, and send us your information. We will add you as a contributor to our blog page, and if we find something relevant to our page, we will add it to the course. We hope you join us with your contributions.

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